
Webinar for Nurses and Midwives: Mental Health Services and Genomics

Webinar for Nurses and Midwives: Mental Health Services and Genomics

Resource Type: Video

Topics: Mental Health

Professions/ Specialities: Mental Health

Webinar for Nurses and Midwives: Mental Health Services and Genomics

Mental health services and genomic medicine: embedding genomic testing in the memory clinic

This webinar is part of the Genomics Lunch and Learn series for nurses and midwives, to provide an insight into how genomic testing is used across different areas of healthcare.

Topics and speakers:

Nick Bass – Associate Professor, UCL Division of Psychiatry and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Tower Hamlets Diagnostic Memory Clinic, ELFT

Jana Mikova – Senior Nurse Practitioner, Tower Hamlets Diagnostic Memory Clinic, ELFT, and Clinical Nurse Specialist in genomic medicine, North Thames GMSA

  • The role of Genomics in mental health services and dementia care
  • The unmet needs for genomic investigations in mental health services
  • Spotlight on the patient experience
  • The North Thames GMSA transformation project – embedding genomic testing in the memory clinic