Team Member
Pooja Dasani
Genetic Counselling Lead and Principal Genetic Counsellor

Pooja Dasani
Genetic Counselling Lead and Principal Genetic Counsellor
Pooja is the Genetic Counselling Lead and Principal Genetic Counsellor based at Great Ormond Street hospital. Pooja has extensive experience in cancer, general and prenatal genetics and a board member of the Genetic Counselling Registration Board (GCRB)
Pooja has expertise and holds a specialist interest in facilitating information transmission across cultural and language barriers. She has a background in genomics education and facilitating training of health professionals locally and nationally. She leads the Counselling skills in genomics module for the MSc in Genomic Medicine at Queen Mary University London.
Pooja takes an active role in mentoring and service development and is a keen advocate of developing the role of the genetic counsellor.