Webinar for Nurses and Midwives: Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Resource Type: Video
Topics: FH
Professions/ Specialities: FH
Webinar for Nurses and Midwives: Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Provider: North Thames Genomic Medicine Service
Cost: Free
Duration: 58 minutes
Date Updated: 15/11/2022
This webinar is part of the Genomics Lunch and Learn series for nurses and midwives, to provide an insight into how genomic testing is used across different areas of healthcare.
Anthony Wierzbiki, Guy’s and St Thomas’s Consultant and Honorary Professor in Metabolic Medicine and Chemical Pathology
Tina Dawson, HEART UK Lipid Specialist Nurse
Jamie Rhind, HEART UK Service Development Manager
Dominic Studart, North Thames Genomic Medicine Service Alliance Interin Lead Nurse and FH Project Lead