Translational Genomics for Cystic Kidney Disease

Resource Type: Video
Topics: Urology
Professions/ Specialities: Urology
Translational Genomics for Cystic Kidney Disease
Provider: North Thames Genomic Medicine Service
Cost: Free
Duration: 16 minutes
Date Updated: 31/10/2022
On 14 July 2022 the North Thames Genomic Medicine Service (GMS) held an event showcasing how genomic medicine is transforming healthcare in our region.
In the UK 15-20% of kidney failure cases are caused by monogenic disease. A genetic diagnosis can explain the reason for a person’s illness, inform transplant decisions, and can guide treatment decisions. In this talk Professor Daniel Gale, St Peter’s Chair of Nephrology at University College London, explains how whole genome sequencing is helping patients with cystic kidney disease.