
Taking a Family History

Taking a Family History

Resource Type: Website with further resources

Topics: Family History

Professions/ Specialities: Family History

Taking a Family History

Provider: North Thames Genomic Laboratory Hub

Level: All levels

Cost: Free

Duration: 13.03

Type: Video

Date Updated: 30 June 2021

This video provides an introduction to taking a family history, which can be used to identify inherited conditions, understand patterns of inheritance, inform clinical decisions such as testing and management, and understand the relationships between family members.

It includes a simulated genetic consultation which demonstrates how to take a family history and how to draw a pedigree.

This video was developed by the North Thames Genomic Laboratory Hub and authored by Dagmar Tapon (Registered Genetic Counsellor, Centre for Fetal Care, Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea Hospital) in collaboration with Dr. Dahlia Hopmeier (Genomics Clinical Fellow, Great Ormond Street Hospital).

Recorded in March 2021