
Finding the missing 95%: The national Lynch Syndrome project

Finding the missing 95%: The national Lynch Syndrome project

Resource Type: YouTube Video

Topics: Bowel Cancer, Lynch Syndrome, Oncology

Professions/ Specialities: Bowel Cancer, Lynch Syndrome, Oncology

Finding the missing 95%: The national Lynch Syndrome project

Provider: North Thames Genomic Medicine Service

Cost: Free

Duration: 19 minutes

Date Updated: 31/10/2022

On 14 July 2022 the North Thames Genomic Medicine Service (GMS) held an event showcasing how genomic medicine is transforming healthcare in our region.

Lynch Syndrome is an inherited condition caused by an inherited DNA repair pathway defect which results in an increased risk of colorectal, endometrial, and other cancers. 1 in 400 people in the UK are affected by Lynch syndrome, but only an estimated 5% of those people have been diagnosed.

Dr Kevin Monahan, Consultant Gastroenterologist at the Lynch Syndrome Clinic, St Mark’s Hospital, is the lead for NHS England’s National Lynch Syndrome Project. In this presentation he introduces the project and its aims to increase diagnoses of Lynch syndrome in patients with colorectal or endometrial cancer.