An introduction to Lynch syndrome & the national Lynch syndrome project

Resource Type: Video
Topics: Bowel Cancer, Lynch Syndrome, Oncology
Professions/ Specialities: Bowel Cancer, Lynch Syndrome, Oncology
An introduction to Lynch syndrome & the national Lynch syndrome project
Provider: North Thames Genomic Medicine Service
Cost: Free
Duration: 47 minutes
Date Updated: 28 March 2023
In this workshop, Laura Monje-Garcia (National Lead Nurse for the Lynch Syndrome Project, North Thames GMSA), Tracie Miles (Associate Director of Nursing and Midwifery, South West GMSA), and the regional Lynch syndrome nurses explain the basics of Lynch syndrome, the testing pathway, and the role of the nurse.
This video is aimed at nurses looking for an introduction to Lynch syndrome and the project, and covers the basics. If you are interested in a more advanced session, you can watch a recording of the previous workshop here.
The regional Lynch syndrome nurses are:
North Thames GMSA Region:
Anna Koziel
South West GMSA Region:
Sarah John
Siobhan John
South East GMSA Region:
Aela Limbu
North West GMSA Region:
Miranda Darbyshire
North East GMSA Region:
Amy Sanderson
Karen Westaway
Rebecca Foster