A Service Evaluation project is being conducted to collect information from paediatricians about their views on and experiences with the new NHS genomic medicine service (GMS).
Paediatricians are invited to participate and do not need to have been directly involved in discussing genetic or genomic tests with patients for the purposes of this study.
We are interested in hearing your thoughts and experiences of offering genomic testing for children in the NHS Genomic Medicine Service. In particular:
- Whether you have ordered any genomic/genetic tests for children
- What your experience of ordering them has been like
- Any barriers or concerns you have identified
- How well prepared you feel for genomic medicine
If you would like more information, would be willing to participate in a one-off interview (lasting no longer than 1 hour), or have any questions, please get in touch with Sophie Marlowe, STP in Genetic Counselling and researcher for this study on sophie.marlowe@nhs.net .