Transformation Projects
Genomic Advisors Competency Framework
Development of a genomic cross professional competency framework for Pharmacy, Nursing and Midwifery.

Project Background
Workforce development and engagement with genomics is key to ensure the NHS workforce has the right knowledge, skills and attributes to deliver new and evolving standards of care. Competency frameworks (CF) provide a comprehensive structure allowing healthcare professionals a method to support their learning and development needs from fundamental principles to advanced practitioner level. Consistency in genomic literacy mapping is key to understanding an individuals’ knowledge base and helps to identify gaps in their personal development, forming a basis for planned developmental learning.
Health Education England (HEE) Genomic Education Programme (GEP) has developed a national high-level GEP genomic advisors competency framework (CFv1), which is suitable for professionals across different healthcare disciplines.
Project Overview
Phase 1 (completed):
In Phase 1 the North Thames GMSA collaborated with Health Education England (HEE) Genomic Education Programme (GEP) to pilot the introduction of the national high-level GEP genomic advisors competency framework grid with the Pharmacy, Nursing and Midwifery Leads.
This project aimed to:
- Explore, understand and evaluate the barriers and facilitators to using this CFv1
- Further develop the cross professional CF (CFv2), to ensure that it:
- Identifies learning needs and training requirements and is a high-level guide for the national, regional and local advisors.
- Provides a comprehensive structure that will allow flexibility to individuals using within their respective profession, specialty or pathway.
Phase 2 (in progress):
Phase 2 has three sub-projects with various deliverables:
- To scope a national project to gain a broader and in-depth understanding of the adapted CF within the pharmacy profession and across different specialties. The modified Delphi technique will structure an expert discussion aiming to generate insights into the CFv2 and to explore its current and prospective challenges within pharmacy genomic medicine, and to validate the adapted CFv2
- The previously adapted CFv2 was further developed to incorporate educational material and resources from HEE GEP these were mapped across the competency framework (CFv2.1). This will be piloted within the NTGMSA pharmacy champion (local pharmacy advisor) cohort to explore, understand and evaluate the barriers and facilitators to using the CFv2.1.
- The previously adapted CFv2.1 was further developed to incorporate educational material and mandatory modules required for a Lynch specialist to undertake mainstreaming within the NTGMSA region. These resources in addition to HEE GEP resources were mapped across the competency framework to provide a Lynch specific competency framework CFv3. This Lynch specialist CFv3 is currently being piloted within the NTGMSA Lynch specialist network from local level to national level to explore, understand and evaluate the barriers and facilitators to using the CFv3.
These projects highlight the dynamic nature of the original competency framework (CFv1) and its application to different professions, specialties and clinical practices. The versatility of the CF is key to developing a workforce within the NHS which aims to reduce variation, prevent duplication of work while ensuring excellence to patient and public care is achieved and maintained.
Progress to Date
Phase 1 of the project has been successful, the NTGMSA team were successful in winning abstract of the year at the UK Clinical Pharmacy Association (UKCPA) 2022 conference (see reference below)
Key References
Bashir N et al. Development of the genomic cross professional competency framework for Pharmacy, Nursing and Midwifery. Abstract presented at the UK Clinical Pharmacy Association Virtual Conference 2022. Available at: Last accessed December 2022.
Key Contacts
Corinne Trim, Education & Training Lead, North Thames GMSA
For more information on this project, please contact