EXPRESS Study Parent and Family Newsletter Launched

EXPRESS Study Parent and Family Newsletter Launched


EXPRESS Study Parent and Family Newsletter Launched

This month the EXPRESS (Optimising EXome PREnatal Sequencing Services) study has published its first newsletter for parents and families.

July 15, 2022

The voices of parents and families are central to research and the EXPRESS newsletter is where you can find out all you need to know about how the group are involving parents and families in their work.

The national prenatal exome sequencing (pES) service launched in October 2020. This service is now offered as part of antenatal NHS care when scan findings suggest that a baby may have a genetic condition unlikely to be diagnosed by standard tests. Because pES has not been offered in this way before, it is important that we evaluate how it is being delivered. This is the purpose of the EXPRESS study.

Over the next two years, the EXPRESS research team will evaluate the pES service. They will provide feedback about how it is being delivered across England so that we can ensure a service that both benefits and supports parents and families, and can be accessed equally by everyone.

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