Education and Training Strategy

The North Thames GMS is working with partners to provide education and training to the current and future NHS workforce

Education and Training Strategy

We have an evolving Workforce Development and Education & Training (E&T) Strategy to support the embedding of genomic medicine into mainstream healthcare. The aim of this strategy is to support the NTGMS to embed genomic medicine into routine clinical care to improve population health; building capacity and capability to do this safely and effectively

The North Thames Workforce Development and E&T strategy is underpinned by the following objectives:

Identifying skills required & mapping E&T needs

Delivering activities from awareness raising to specialist modules

Supporting institutions to embed genomics into programmes

Understanding workforce requirements for mainstreaming

Education and Training Leadership

The Workforce Development and Education  & Training Strategy and Implementation Plan is led by the North Thames GMS Education and Training Lead. If you would like to get involved or hear more about our plans, please feel free to contact:

We recognise that a great deal of education and training is provided by teams and individuals across the regions’ key stakeholder groups and where appropriate we are keen to facilitate and support these activities, which includes input from experts from Scientists, Clinicians, Managers and Educationalists.

Workforce Development Partner Organisations

The delivery of the GMS workforce development strategy and its education and training plan is reliant on the collaboration of many individuals and teams across a network of organisations.

The North Thames GMS team collaborates with:

The NHS Genomic Medicine Service (NHS GMS) is the arm of the NHS working to enable the NHS to harness the power of genomic technology and science to improve the health of our population.

The aims of the NHS GMS are to provide:

  • Consistent and equitable care for the country’s 55 million people
  • A single National Genomic Test Directory covering use of all genomic technologies from single genes to whole genome sequencing
  • A national genomic knowledge base to provide real world data to inform academic and industry research and development

Health Education England’s Genomics Education Programme exists to deliver and advise on learning and development opportunities that prepare current and future NHS professionals to make the best use of genomics in their practice.

There are 15 Academic Health Science Networks across England, established by NHS England in 2013 to spread innovation at pace and scale – improving health and generating economic growth.

AHSNs covering the North Thames region:

There are a number of HEIs across the North Thames region who deliver education to the future and current NHS workforce and where appropriate we will work with HEI Leads and faculty to embed genomic medicine education into their programmes.

Integrated care boards are statutory NHS organisations responsible for developing a plan for meeting the health needs of the population, managing the NHS budget and arranging for the provision of health services in a geographical area.

ICBs covering the North Thames region:

Cancer Alliances bring together clinical and managerial leaders from different hospital trusts and other health and social care organisations, to transform the diagnosis, treatment and care for cancer patients in their local area. These partnerships enable care to be more effectively planned across local cancer pathways.

Cancer Alliances covering the North Thames region:

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