The GLH: Our labs

The North Thames GLH provides and coordinates all genomic tests, within agreed turnaround times, to bring genomic innovation to the people of North London, Hertfordshire and Mid and South Essex.

The GLH: Our labs

The North Thames GLH provides and coordinates all genomic tests, within agreed turnaround times, to bring genomic innovation to the people of North London, Hertfordshire and Mid and South Essex.

We work cooperatively with the national network of GLHs to deliver all tests outlined in the National Genomic Test Directory and bring equitable access to testing across the country.

The North Thames GLH provides the following services, delivered by a network of partner laboratories;

Rare and Inherited 
Disease core services

Cancer core services

Specialist services for Hearing, Ophthalmology, Musculoskeletal, Immunology, Inherited cancer, Metabolic, Mitochondrial, Neurology, Renal, Skin, Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis.

The remaining specialist services (Haematology, Endocrine, Gastro, Cardiology, Respiratory) are provided by other GLHs, and the North Thames GLH supports services in region to access these.

To access our request forms and guidance on sample pathways, please visit Test Order Forms page and the Sending a Sample page.

Our laboratories only accept samples from clinicians once a clinical referral has been made. The North Thames GLH is directly funded for service delivery so there will be no provider-to-provider invoicing for tests specified by the national Genomic Test Directory (NGTD), and patients meeting the eligibility criteria.

Our Partner Laboratories

Since our launch in 2018, we have worked to consolidate laboratory testing across the region to enable the provision of standardised, high quality, rapid testing and support an increase in capacity, accelerate uptake of new technologies and improve equity of patient access. Our partners work as a single North Thames Genomics Laboratory Service to share expertise and specialist knowledge.

GOSH Genetics Laboratory

The majority of Rare and Inherited Disease Core services (>95%) and all specialist services are provided by the GOSH Genetics Laboratory. This includes the sub-national R21 service for fetal exome sequencing.

Head of Laboratory Service: Deborah Morrogh

Laboratory contact email:

Phone: 020 7762 6888

Samples should be sent to: Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, Levels 4-6 Barclay House, 37, Queen Square, London WC1N 3BH

The GOSH Genetics Laboratory, in collaboration with the Centre of Molecular Pathology at RMH, also delivers our paediatric cancer testing services.

Head of Laboratory Service: Dr Dörte Wren,

Laboratory contact email:

Phone: 020 7405 9200

Samples should be sent to Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, Levels 4-6 Barclay House, 37, Queen Square, London WC1N 3BH

Clinical Genomics Department, The Centre for Molecular Pathology, at The Royal Marsden

The Clinical Genomics Department based at The Royal Marsden Hospital provides the majority of solid tumour analyses for the region using large gene panels.

Prepared samples are forwarded from local Pathology labs to the RMH laboratory for analysis. Order and View may be used for test requests and results.

Head of Laboratory Service: Mikel Valganon

Laboratory contact email:

Phone: 020 8915 6543

Samples should be sent to Clinical Genomics Department, The Centre for Molecular Pathology, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, 15 Cotswold Road, Sutton, Surrey. SM2 5NG.

Centre for Molecular Pathology

Health Services Laboratories (HSL)

HSL provides a number of core Rare and Inherited disease services:

  1. Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing– provided sub-nationally (one of three national providers)
  2. Haemochromatosis
  3. Karyotyping and QF-PCR (for UCLH only)

Head of Laboratory Service: Elaine Holgado

Laboratory contact email:

Phone: 020 7307 7409

Samples should be sent to TDL Genetics Sample Reception, 1 Mabledon Place, London, WC1H 9AX

Health Service Labs

Haematological malignancy services from 5 partner SIHMDs laboratories

Molecular and cytogenetic laboratory services for SIHMDS are provided by 5 partner laboratories, in association with the local SIHMDS.

Laboratory Head of LaboratoryEmail Phone Location
Royal Marden HospitalMikel Valganonsihmds@rmh.nhs.uk020 8915 6543The Centre for Molecular Pathology, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation
Trust, 15 Cotswold Road, Sutton, Surrey. SM2 5NG.
GOSH (paed SIHMDS)Dörte Wrengos-tr.pmu@nhs.net020 7405 9200
AG Laboratory Level 4, Barclay House, GOSH, Great Ormond 
Street, London. 
UCLH (provided by HSL)Rob Bakermollecular.haemonc@hslpathology.com020 3908 1292SIHMDS Sample Reception - Halo Level 2, The Halo Building, 
1 Mabledon Place, London, WC1H 9AX
Bart's HealthcareMarianne GranthamBHNT.SIHMDS@nhs.net020 3246 0224SIHMDS, c/o specimen Reception, 3rd Floor, 
80 Newark street, 
London E1 2ES
NWLP - ImperialElizabet Nadal -
020 3313 2179 / 2169020 3313 2179 / 2169
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