
Webinar for Nurses and Midwives: Lung Cancer and Genomics

Webinar for Nurses and Midwives: Lung Cancer and Genomics

Resource Type: Video

Topics: Oncology

Professions/ Specialities: Oncology

Webinar for Nurses and Midwives: Lung Cancer and Genomics

Provider: North Thames Genomic Medicine Service

Cost: Free

Duration: 1 hour 2 minutes

Date Updated: 20/12/2022

This webinar is part of the Genomics Lunch and Learn series for nurses and midwives, to provide an insight into how genomic testing is used across different areas of healthcare.


Topics and speakers:

Introduction and welcome, Tracey Cole, Darzi Clinical Fellow, North Thames GMSA

What lung cancer nurses need to know, Adam Januszewski,Medical Oncology Consultant, St Bartholomew’s Hospital

Patient voice and how can the Lung CNS help with the patient ‘waiting for results’ anxieties, Angela Terry, Chair-person of EGFR+ve UK (patient advocacy and peer support group)

Genomic medicine and lung cancer including national test directory information, Tracey Cole