National Nursing Workshop: From diagnosis of cancer to diagnosis of Lynch syndrome
Resource Type: Video
Topics: Bowel Cancer, Lynch Syndrome, Oncology
Professions/ Specialities: Bowel Cancer, Lynch Syndrome, Oncology
National Nursing Workshop: From diagnosis of cancer to diagnosis of Lynch syndrome
Provider: North Thames Genomic Medicine Service
Cost: Free
Duration: 40 minutes
Date Updated: 20/12/2022
In this workshop, Laura Monje-Garcia (National Lynch Syndrome Project Lead Nurse, North Thames GMSA), Tracie Miles (Associate Director of Nursing and Midwifery, South West GMSA), and the regional Lynch syndrome nurses provide information about the testing pathway, role of the nurse, and mainstreaming germline genetic testing in routine oncology clinics.
The regional Lynch syndrome nurses are:
North Thames GMSA Region:
Anna Koziel
South West GMSA Region:
Sarah John
Siobhan John
South East GMSA Region:
Aela Limbu
East GMSA Region:
Kirsti Withington