
Lynch Syndrome online training for primary care clinicians

Lynch Syndrome online training for primary care clinicians

Resource Type: Document

Topics: Bowel Cancer, Lynch Syndrome, Oncology, Primary Care

Professions/ Specialities: Bowel Cancer, Lynch Syndrome, Oncology, Primary Care

Lynch Syndrome online training for primary care clinicians

Provider: RM Partners, West London Cancer Alliance

Level: Foundation

Cost: Free

Certificate: Certificate

Type: Online Course

Date Updated: 07 March 2022

Lynch syndrome is a cancer predisposition syndrome in which the main concerns are colorectal and endometrial cancer. There is also a risk of other cancers, although less frequently.

RM Partners West London Cancer Alliance, in collaboration to Dr Kevin Monahan & Laura Monje-Garcia and as part of the National Lynch Syndrome Project, have launched a short piece of online training for primary care clinicians.

The training will help primary care physicians manage their Lynch syndrome patients as they first present at the GP surgery, and it covers the following:

  • A brief overview of Lynch syndrome
  • Their personalised cancer prevention programme
  • An introduction to the ‘Lynch syndrome quick guide’ and how it can help you identify and manage your patient’s care
  • How to manage their first-degree family members’ care

There is also ‘Lynch syndrome quick guide for primary care clinicians’ document available.