
How to Read a Cancer Genome Webinar 1: The basics of cancer genomics

How to Read a Cancer Genome Webinar 1: The basics of cancer genomics

Resource Type: Website with further resources

Topics: Oncology, WGS

Professions/ Specialities: Oncology, WGS

How to Read a Cancer Genome Webinar 1: The basics of cancer genomics

The Genomics Education Programme is delighted to present a special three-part educational programme on how to read the cancer genome, presented by Professor Serena Nik-Zainal.

The first part of the series focuses on the basics of cancer genomics, from raw sequence reads through to somatic mutations.

Professor Nik-Zainal is an NIHR research professor and an honorary consultant in clinical genetics. Professor Nik-Zainal is a celebrated leader in somatic cancer research and has spearheaded work into mutational signatures and their application to clinical practice.