
Genomics Lunch and Learn: Lynch Syndrome

Genomics Lunch and Learn: Lynch Syndrome

Resource Type: Video

Topics: Bowel Cancer, Lynch Syndrome, Oncology

Professions/ Specialities: Bowel Cancer, Lynch Syndrome, Oncology

Genomics Lunch and Learn: Lynch Syndrome

Provider: North Thames Genomic Medicine Service and South East Genomic Medicine Service

Level: Foundation

Cost: Free

Duration: 56

Date Updated: 11 October 2022

This webinar is part of the Genomics Lunch and Learn series for nurses and midwives, to provide an insight into how genomic testing is used across different areas of healthcare.

This session introduces Lynch Syndrome and discusses the patient pathway, criteria for genetic testing, as well as the role of the nurse and the genetic team when providing information and care to a patient and their family.

Speakers and topics covered:

An introduction to Lynch Syndrome and the tumour pathway – a case discussion

Dr Adam Shaw – Consultant in Clinical Genetics, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Genetic testing – the germline pathway and challenges for the patient and family members

Andrea Forman – Principal Genetic Counsellor, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

The role of the nurse now and in the future

Vicky Cuthill – Nurse Consultant, St Mark’s Hospital

A patient perspective – Tracy’s story

Tracy Smith – Trustee for Lynch Syndrome UK