Prenatal genomic medicine

Prenatal Genomic Medicine Network of Excellence

The prenatal genomic medicine network of excellence aims to ensure equity of access to high quality pre- and perinatal genomic medicine for all families across England, capitalising on new technological developments to deliver high quality testing for more conditions.

a scientist in gloves squeezing liquid into a test tube from a pipette

This Network of Excellence is co-led by the North Thames, Central and South and North East and Yorkshire Genomic Medicine Service teams.


Project plans

This Network of Excellence is split into three core work packages:

  1. Increase access to safer testing and reduce need for invasive procedures through non-invasive prenatal testing
      1. Increase access to rapid fetal sequencing and develop optimal care pathways, building on evidence collected in the EXPRESS study
      2. Build on rapid whole genome sequencing developed in North Thames Genomic Medicine Service
  2. With an emphasis of individuals from diverse backgrounds, consider where and how in pregnancy prenatal genomic testing should be delivered and develop innovative approaches to service delivery,
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