
On these pages you can find current vacancies within the North Thames Genomic Medicine Service (GMS) and information on some of the key roles within genomic services in the NHS.

five scientists in PPE talking in a lab

Genomic medicine is a rapidly growing and dynamic field that needs skilled professionals at every stage of its life cycle: from nurses, midwives and GPs facilitating initial patient conversations and counselling on genomics, through specialist clinical geneticists and genomic counsellors, to genomic laboratory testing and clinical diagnostics, data analytics (bioinformatics) and exploratory genomic science.

On these pages you can find current vacancies within the North Thames Genomic Medicine Service (GMS) and information on some of the key roles within genomic services in the NHS.

If you are interested in learning more about genomics and genetic medicine, visit our education and training resources.

ICT Lead Integration Architect

Great Ormond Street Hospital

Careers in Genomics

Whether you have GCSEs or NVQs, previous work experience, a science degree, or a PhD, there will be a route into genomic healthcare for you. Training courses are available at every entry point, and once you are working within genomic medicine, further training can open up new pathways and boost your career progression.


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